The back of this Kodak Kodachrome photo, taken in the formal dining room of the Felton home at Warm Beach, WA, is printed with the date December 1959. A.C. Felton is on the left, Icy Pearl Felton is in the center, and I don’t know the visitor on the right. The Feltons collected antiques and enjoyed entertaining family and guests. Grandpa liked to dress the part of a gentleman farmer.
This photo was taken in the late 1950s or early 60s at the Felton home in the Warm Beach area south of Stanwood, WA. Fran Geer is behind Icy Pearl Felton (Granny), and Alvin Christian Felton (Grandpa) is at the bottom step. Don and Fran Geer lived in Warm Beach and became like family to the Feltons, thus becoming like family to the Mosers. The Chow dog is Gay, a family pet.

According to Kodak, this photo was printed in January 1958 and most likely shows the Feltons preparing for a formal Eastern Star event in Stanwood. From left, Helen Moser, Virginia Felton, Icy Pearl Felton, and A.C. Felton are at the Warm Beach home.

I used to ride around the Felton farm with Grandpa on this tractor. It was started with a hand-pulled rope and required almost daily maintenance. Some family members considered it dangerous at any speed.
Photos below are dated April 1944 and I believe were taken by Margaret Hegman during a visit to Deep Creek, WA. Icy Felton (Granny) and Helen Felton (Mom) are on horseback. People went to the general store by horse-drawn wagon in Eastern Washington. The bottom photo shows Granny wearing riding gloves, which are still in the family.