If you are asking yourself that question, the answer is almost always yes. After over 45 years of practice, I found that the question usually
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“Work like hell and be happy” was among the most memorable of Helen Louise Felton Moser’s exhortations, which is why I passed it along to
I had a website for years when I was in private law practice, focusing on my professional work and recent developments. When I retired, I
GWU, 1972-73 Academic Year

1972-73 was a time of personal growth and learning. My four Madison Hall roommates were all from different areas of the USA. The man on my left is Peter Gormley, a law student at GWU and a University of Notre Dame graduate from upstate New York. We are seen here preparing for semester exams. I regret not having more photographs of this year of my life, but when you are an impoverished college student, color photos are a luxury.
Welcome To My Portfolio
I’m glad you have found The Moser Files, a digital portfolio of things remembered and maybe a few things that some would advise me to forget. You will find evidence of struggles, successes, some failures, and reflections on life. A professional portfolio is usually a biography designed to promote a job applicant and impress a hiring manager. That is not what you will find here. As you look around at the pages of my life, you will see that I have nothing to sell. In fact, I’m giving away memories, experiences, and possibly some advice. I spent much of my legal career getting paid for advice to public officials, private clients, churches, friends, and even family. A word of caution to my readers: I’m retired and no longer a licensed lawyer in Washington, or any other state, so anything you read here is not to be taken as legal advice.
Tom Moser, Mount Vernon, Washington, USA
DMZ, The Captives Set Free

We were on constant alert along the DMZ in anticipation of aggression from the North Koreans. On December 23, 1968, our unit was deployed to Panmujom to provide perimeter security when the 82 American POWs were released at the Bridge of No Return, separating Noth and South Korea.
The photo below was taken by Stars and Strips as the prisoners were released.