
You are reading the files of a retired trial lawyer living in Mount Vernon, Skagit County, Washington. Thank you for visiting. My name is Tom Moser, but I used C. Thomas Moser professionally. I am named after my father, Carl Thomas Moser, with no Jr. or II suffix. He was called Carl, and I was called Tom. I respond to Tom, Carl Thomas, C. Thomas, CT, and a few nicknames.

A lawyer helps people find solutions to legal problems, and a trial lawyer helps people change the status quo. I was a status quo changer using the courtroom and the judicial system to effect change when the status quo was no longer acceptable. Litigation is an acceptable substitute for violence or force to effect change in a civilized manner using time-proven rules of evidence and procedures to arrive at a verdict or decision.

Over the 45 or more years of law practice, I picked up some habits, ideas, principles, and disciplines that helped me help clients. It is not my intent to give advice when there are so many other places where advice is available from more qualified authors. See plaintifftriallawyertips.com, for example. The purpose of this portfolio is stated on the homepage, which is to say it is a retrospective on life and the memories of a man of faith, sharing memories and thoughts about family, friends, experiences, and being a trial lawyer in Northwest Washington.